Levels of Education
November 25, 2021 2022-04-13 7:54Levels of Education

Levels of Education
The Pre-Primary Education at DPS Serrvodaya Nagar aims to help the child attain optimal perceptual, motor cognitive and socio-emotional levels so as to be ready for school education and life in society.
The primary objective at this level is to understand the uniqueness of each child and gradually integrate the children into a group for active learning.
The fundamentals of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) are applied at the Pre-Primary level by professionally trained staff to combine learning and fun via the play-way method.
The primary objective at this level is to understand the uniqueness of each child and gradually integrate the children into a group for active learning.
The fundamentals of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) are applied at the Pre-Primary level by professionally trained staff to combine learning and fun via the play-way method.
At DPS Serrvodaya Nagar, the pre-primary student begins his/her learning in a joyous and secure environment wherein he/she has the freedom to be curious, to wonder and to explore.
The young students are transformed into life-long learners as the pedagogy is directed at various self-discoveries made independently through experiential learning.
New vistas open up for the students everyday as they are guided through a specially designed curriculum aimed at their personal, social and emotional development.
Learning Outcomes
The education at the Pre-Primary Level is oriented at the provision of initiation towards Language and Literal, Numerical and Logical, Physical, Creative and Aesthetic development of the children.
A student who is about to progress to the Primary Level is equipped with vital skills of decision making, taking turns, sharing, persistence, creativity and problem solving.
The fledgling learners participate in events, assemblies and celebrations as well as go on short field trips so as to develop the abilities of communicating and listening to both their peers and teachers.
The Primary Level education at DPS Serrvodaya Nagar aims to transport the Pre-Primary student over a new threshold of learning which makes him/her capable of communicating properly and identifying his/her unique potential and individuality.
This level of education is structured towards the harmonious development of a child’s personality and prepares him/her to recognize opportunities and take up responsibilities.
Above all, education at the Primary Level is focused towards acquiring literacy, numeracy, a desire to learn and developing logical judgement.
This level of education is structured towards the harmonious development of a child’s personality and prepares him/her to recognize opportunities and take up responsibilities.
Above all, education at the Primary Level is focused towards acquiring literacy, numeracy, a desire to learn and developing logical judgement.
Primary education at DPS Serrvodaya Nagar makes the child confident, communicative and creative!!
The child inclines himself/herself towards a particular sport, club and cultural activity.
The young student enjoys reading, expresses well and has a sound knowledge of basic Arithmetic operations at this level of schooling.
It also enables a child to become independent in many aspects since he/her manages to take responsibility for his/her own learning and takes initiatives to carry out errands, develop friendships and has his/her own preferences.
Learning Outcomes
The Primary level helps the child acquire a scientific temperament through awareness about immediate surroundings and the various life processes he/she experiences.
It also helps the child cultivatea sense of reasoning about the various day to day scientific phenomenons.
Students begin to develop an elementary idea of the new subjects namely Social Science and Environmental Science.
The education at the Primary level enhances linguistic skills and the vocabulary of the children.